INNOVAGRO invitation
INNOVARGO Project focuses on the development of links and synergies between farmers, agro-food & tourism enterprises, Research Institutes and Public Authorities in Adriatic – Ionian Area for:
- the introduction of innovation into agro-food SMEs’,
- the enhancement of agro-food companies’ internalization,
- the promotion of environmentally–friendly farming practices, and
- the reinforcement of the links among agro-food and tourism sector.
Detailed information about the objectives and the activities of the project you can find in the project’s website:
To this end, one of the main outputs of the Project is the already developed Virtual Transnational Business Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center (ViBIEC).
Virtual Transnational Business Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center is an e-platform where services to SMEs acting in the agro-food and tourism sector are provided in order to promote their innovation and internalization capacity.
IINOVAGRO partnership invites the interested SMEs acting in the agro-food and tourism sector to register in the VIBIEC platform in the following link:
A detailed users’ manual describing the registration/login process is also available in the previous link.
For additional information or in case of difficulties during registration, please use the contact form of the ViBIEC platform: