Open Invitation For Registration In The Innovagro Plus E-Platform

INNOVARGO PLUS project, as sequel of the INNOVAGRO project, focuses on the further promotion, exploitation, and capitalization of the 2 main outcomes of INNOVAGRO project: a) INNOVAGRO Transnational Cooperation Network, and b) Virtual Transnational Business Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center (VIBIEC), at national/regional/transnational level maximizing their effectiveness.

ViBIEC,, is an e-platform, where services to SMEs acting in the agro-food and tourism sector are provided, to promote their innovation and internalization capacity.

In the context of Innovagro Plus, ViBIEC has been updated with new entries in the e-learning, e-library and e-tools sections.  Interested SMEs, acting in the agro-food and tourism sector, are kindly invited to register in the VIBIEC platform in the following link: